Saturday, June 9, 2012

Close your eyes and jump in.

Betty's house in March 2011
      Each spring, for the last 10 years, Jerry and I have met with homeowners who may need the help of Salkehatchie Summer Service to improve their living conditions. We have looked at over a hundred homes and met many lovely people willing to allow a dozen kids and adults to invade their homes with hammers and power tools to repair and renovate.  They were willing to put their trust in us, and in God.  In 100 meetings, only twice have we decided, on the spot, that we have to do a home.  We were so moved when we met Betty Patterson that we knew we needed to work on her home.

      Betty’s insurance company had just cancelled her home insurance because her roof was so badly in need of repair that it was in danger of collapse.  Despite her hard work, her home was falling apart around her.  We knew that Salkehatchie could help.  Betty was also very helpful in connecting us with several other people who need help improving their homes.

       Betty is a warm and engaging woman who has lived in her home for more than 50 years.  Past the age where most people retire, she works very hard at cleaning homes and has a large clientele that are very fond of her and she is surrounded by a large extended family.

      On May 16, 2012, just two months after we told her that we would work on her home, Betty's home burned.  But, God, in his infinite wisdom, was using what the world sees as a tragedy, for His Glory.  
The interior, after the fire
      Betty was not at home when the fire started.  An extension cord overheated, igniting the sofa.  When Betty came home and saw her couch on fire, she tried to put it out and, when she was unsuccessful, she went to get help.  By the time the firefighters arrived, the interior of the home was completely ablaze.  But God was at work.

      While the home was burning, a pastor drove by.  Rev. Allen Purtrill from Hopewell Presbyterian saw the flames, and stopped to offer love and support.  Although he was a stranger, he prayed with Betty while the firefighters worked to save her home.  Family and friends from the neighborhood came to offer their support.  Betty shared with Rev. Purtrill that she had no insurance and the Salkehatchie group from Huntersville United Methodist was coming in July to repair her roof. 

      Rev. Purtrill called Rev. Mike Goode at HUMC.  Mike called Jerry; and Jerry, who was still at work, called me. Before the fire crews were finished I drove up to Betty’s home.

      When I arrived, the firetruck was still in front of the home and the firemen were moving steadily in and out of the smouldering house.  The fire was out, but they were still removing smoldering furniture and assessing the damage.  Betty was there along with many family members and neighbors. 

Charred rafters
      I introduced myself to the fire investigator.  He said that Betty had told him we were going to fix her roof.  When I asked him how bad the fire was he let me know that although the two bedrooms were not burned, the rest of the home was demolished.  He let me know the source of the fire and that, in his estimation, the home was a total loss.

      As I left, I hugged Betty and my heart broke for her loss.  I told her that I didn’t know what we could do for her home but that she would be in our prayers and that we would come back to look at the house and see if there was anything we could do.  Her immediate needs were met by her many family and friends but I left with a very heavy heart.

      When I got home I called Jerry and we talked about the possibilities.  It seemed that the home was too far gone for a Salkehatchie project, but we wanted to do something.  I posted a request for prayers on my Facebook page.

     That evening, Katie Greene saw the post and talked to her dad.  Frank Greene was so moved that he called Jerry first thing the following morning.  He asked what we planned to do as a Salkehatchie camp.  Jerry responded that the home was a total loss and beyond what we felt we could do.  Frank said, “I think we can build her a home.”  Frank continued for a few minutes talking about rallying local home builders and suppliers and he felt strongly that although this was beyond our usual scope, we could do this.  Jerry, ever the pragmatist listened, intrigued, but skeptical. 

      After Jerry and I talked and he had time to think it through, Jerry called Frank back and said, “Yep, let’s try to do this.”

      Everyday, in every corner of the world, God is working miracles.  We are all so busy with everyday lives, homes and family, jobs, politics and drama that we fail to see the miracles all around us.Maybe we are looking for the seas to part?  God did not say to Moses, “Hey, watch this.”  He told Moses to, “Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.  (Exodus 14:16)

      We are so afraid of failing or looking foolish that even when God tells us to do something we hesitate.  Our reluctance to act on God’s plan inhibits His work here on earth.  This isn’t new to our generation.  Moses doubted his ability to serve and questioned God’s plan.  So has every follower of God’s plan, every step of the way. 

      So, this blog is not saying, “Hey, watch this.”  It is saying, God speaks to everyone and if you are listening and willing to obey, God will work great miracles.  I pray that as we write about our hopes, fears and joys through this journey, you will support Betty and her team with your prayers and if God is calling you to help, join us! 

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