Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Moment of Grace

     As a mother, one of the hardest and most repeated lessons is that the work is never done. There are short moments when the laundry is all done, the floors are mopped, the kitchen is clean and the mess is put away.  But we know…It’s coming back!  It is so hard to accept that tiny sliver of time for what it is.  A moment of Grace. 

     As Christians we have much the same problem.  We travel to Africa to clean wells for a village and find that a year later the villagers have allowed those wells to return to their former foul state.  We repair a home for a family and years later the homeowner has allowed the home to return to disrepair.  It is so easy to get frustrated and feel that even with God’s help, even with the very best of intentions nothing we do makes a difference in the long run.  But it does!

     It is hard to remember that the physical work we do here is temporary.  It may last a few days, a few weeks or a few years.  Sometimes it may last for generations, but ultimately, it is temporary.  What we can do that makes a difference, a real, permanent difference is to touch another person’s heart.  Be, for them, God’s love. 

As we embark on building Betty a home that we hope to last many, many years; I pray that this group does not forget the real purpose and goal that is before us.  Betty needs a home in which to live, but she, like all of us, needs to see God’s love in action and feel surrounded by His love, His people.  One of the great joys of working on Betty’s home is watching the community gather to show love.  Churches from several denominations, Habitat for Humanity, Davidson College Alumni and Davidson City Hall, are all working together for a common cause.  It is a beautiful thing.
Habitat Home similar to what we are proposing for Betty.

The committee to build Betty’s home met again on Tuesday to discuss fundraising.  We need to raise about $65,000 to fund the building of Betty’s home.  $32,500 must be raised and the pledges available for the remainder before we can begin.  It sounds overwhelming to those of us who have worked on Salkehatchie shoestring budgets for many years.

But, clearly God has a plan with this house.  So, in the next few weeks, letters will be written, signs will be designed and videos made.  Betty will see a couple of Habitat homes that will let her experience what she can expect to see in her new home.  Plans will be made for bake sales and car washes, BBQ pits scheduled, and most importantly, prayers will be said and answered.  As we all move together and watch expectantly to experience a moment of Grace, please continue to keep Betty in your prayers.

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